Why is grounding key?

Associated Risk to Ungrounded and High Resistance Grounding (HRG) systems

High Resistance GroundedHigh Resistance Grounded

Ungrounded to HRG


  • Difficult to trace ground fault location without interrupting the processes
  • Highly destructive Transient Over-Voltages often lead to insulation damage and failure
  • Insulation failure results in arc fault or phase to phase fault with equipment damage and fire hazard
Ungrounded to HRG


  • Continuity of operation under single ground fault condition
  • Ability to easily locate ground faults via pulsing capability
  • Control Transient Over-Voltages
  • Reduce damage on equipment by limiting damaging fault current to low levels, typically 10 A or less
  • Significantly reduced arc flash risk

Upgrading a facility from Ungrounded to High Resistance Grounded is a simple, economical solution and provides the same level of process continuity while resolving the risks and potential damage associated with transient over-voltages.

Contact i-Gard today and one of our specialized engineers will be happy to discuss upgrading your specific system.

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Ungrounded System Disadvantages

An ungrounded system is one in which there is no intentional connection between the electrical system and ground. However, in any system, a capacitive coupling exists between the system conductors and the adjacent grounded surfaces. Consequently, the “ungrounded system” is, in reality, a “capacitive grounded system” by virtue of the distributed capacitance.

The Ungrounded System was often chosen for industries where process continuity was vital as the system would continue to operate under a single ground fault condition.

The issue however was the inability to simply or effectively locate the ground fault and the damage operating with an active fault could create.

During a ground fault on an ungrounded system, the arcing nature “charges” the system capacitance. When the arc extinguishes (possibly due to ac waveform – zero crossover), the system cannot dissipate the charge, so it holds it. When arc re-strikes, more charge is added to the system. This continues until the insulation breaks down at the weakest point in the system, creating a phase-to-phase-to-ground fault.

Fig 1. Ungrounded System

Fig 1. Ungrounded System

Fig 2. Phase-to-ground voltages VAG, VBG, VCG in an ungrounded system

Fig 2. Phase-to-ground voltages VAG, VBG, VCG in an ungrounded system

What does the IEEE STANDARD say about ungrounded systems?

IEEE 242-2001 Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.

The concern over the safety aspect of ungrounded systems when experiencing a ground fault is noted in IEEE 242-2001 Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. Clause 8.2.5 Ungrounded Systems has a number of notes on ungrounded systems:

  • Ungrounded low-voltage systems employ ground detectors to indicate a ground fault. These detectors show the existence of a ground on the system and identify the faulted phase, but do not locate the ground fault, which could be anywhere on the entire system. The system operates with the ground fault acting as the system ground point.
  • If this ground fault is intermittent or allowed to continue, the system could be subjected to possible severe overvoltages to ground, which can be as high as six or eight times phase voltage. Such overvoltages can puncture insulation and result in additional ground faults.
  • A second ground fault occurring before the first fault is cleared results in a phase-to-ground-to-phase fault, usually arcing, with current magnitude large enough to do damage, but sometimes too small to activate overcurrent devices in time to prevent or minimize damage.
  • Ungrounded systems offer no advantage over high-resistance-grounded systems in terms of continuity of service and have the disadvantages of transient overvoltages, difficulty in locating the first ground fault, and burndowns from a second ground fault. For these reasons, they are being used less frequently today than high-resistance-grounded systems, and existing ungrounded systems are often converted to high-resistance-grounded systems by resistance-grounding the neutral if it exists or, if the system is fed from a delta source, creating a neutral point with a zigzag or other transformer and then resistance-grounding it.
  • Once the system is high-resistance-grounded, overvoltages are reduced; and modern, highly sensitive ground-fault protective equipment can identify the faulted feeder on first fault and open one or both feeders on second fault before an arcing burndown does serious damage.

IEEE Std. 3003.1-2019. Clause 4.2 Ungrounded Systems

In an ungrounded system, it is possible for destructive transient overvoltages to occur throughout the system during restriking ground faults. These overvoltages, which can be several times normal in magnitude, result from a resonant condition being established between the inductive reactance of the system and the distributed capacitance to ground. Experience has proven that these overvoltages may cause failure of insulation at multiple locations in the system, particularly at motors. Transient overvoltages

from restriking ground faults are the main reason why ungrounded systems are no longer recommended and grounded systems of some form are the predominant choice. To reduce transient overvoltages during restriking ground faults, one should ground the system using either solid or impedance grounding.

Grounding Methods COMPARISON CHART

Standard HRG
Advanced HRG I-Gard Smart
Process continuity under ground fault condition



Solidly Grounded


Standard HRG


Advanced HRG I-Gard SMART

Control transient overvoltages



Solidly Grounded


Standard HRG


Advanced HRG I-Gard SMART

Ability to locate ground fault



Solidly Grounded


Standard HRG


Advanced HRG I-Gard SMART

Process continuity of critical process with second ground fault



Solidly Grounded


Standard HRG


Advanced HRG I-Gard SMART

Arc Flash Mitigation for safety



Solidly Grounded


Standard HRG


Advanced HRG I-Gard SMART


What are the I-GARD SMART HRG features and benefits?

Click on the letters below to reveal what the acronym stands for.

Selective Instantaneous Feeder Trip (SIFT) on 2nd Ground Fault

Mitigate 95-98% of arc flash incidents on 1st phase-to-ground fault

Assisted fault location through pulsing system and indication/alarm of faulted phase and feeder

Resistor integrity monitoring. It continuously monitors neutral and  resistor continuously to meet the new CSA code requirement.

Time Selective feeder isolation. Feeders can be programmed to trip on 1st fault, 1st with time delay, trip on 2nd fault. It allows the user to set priority levels


Webinar Recording & Presentation: Time to Upgrade Your Ungrounded Electrical Distribution System

  • Webinar Recording & Presentation: Time to Upgrade Your Ungrounded Electrical Distribution SystemDownload
  • C-406EA Ungrounded to HRG Conversion GuideDownload
  • Case Study: Addressing Unplanned Outages in the Food Processing SectorDownload
  • Why HRG Technology is Safer?Visit Website
  • Case Study: Benefits of upgrading an Ungrounded SystemDownload